Standard Arabic

* Courses are taught exclusively in Arabic.
*In order to be able to move from one level to the next one, students are required to pass the exit level test.

Elementary (4 weeks, 80 hours)

This course is for students who have never had a previous contact with Arabic language; it begins with the basics of Arabic writing and reading, introduction to its phonetics system and grammar. A significant part of the course will be devoted to expanding the vocabulary.
Aims of the course:
- elementary knowledge of the Arabic Grammar
- acquisition of basic communication skills (greetings, expressions of courtesy, simple questions and sentences)
- reading of vocalized texts
- comprehension of short dictated sentences
Tutoring: in addition to the course the Program includes 20 hours of tutoring.

Pre-Intermediate (4 weeks, 80 hours)

This course will teach how to apply the rules learned in the first level in order to compose and/or understand basic phrasal structures, both in writing and speaking, with increasing difficulty.
Aims of the course:
- development of the knowledge of the Arabic Grammar
- fluent reading of vocalized texts
- comprehension of more complex dictated sentences
- development/improvement of the communication skills
- achievement of a good pronunciation
Tutoring: in addition to the course the Program includes 20 hours of tutoring.

Intermediate (4 weeks, 80 hours)

This course focuses on the revision of grammatical rules learned in the beginner levels, combined with a communicative approach in different topics (media, daily life, culture, sports, etc.). It is aimed at students who have already an adequate knowledge of the Arabic Grammar rules but have difficulties in facing real communicative situations.
Aims of the course:
- excellent reading of vocalized texts and dealing with non-vocalized texts
- ability to interact with fluency and spontaneity and to take part in discussion in familiar contexts
Tutoring: in addition to the course the Program includes 20 hours of tutoring.

Upper Intermediate (4 weeks, 80 hours)

This level is divided into three sections; the first part is exclusively dedicated to the reading of non-vocalized texts; the second part focuses on an exhaustive studying of Arabic Grammar rules; the third part provides the enrichment of the communicative aspects of the language.
Aims of the course:
- fluent reading of non-vocalized texts
- ability to interact with fluency and spontaneity and to take part in discussion in multiple contexts Tutoring: in addition to the course the Program includes 20 hours of tutoring.

Advanced 1 (4 weeks, 80 hours)

The course is aimed at those who already have a good knowledge of Arabic language's grammatical system and a good level of reading and comprehension.
Aims of the course:
- fluent reading of non-vocalized texts
- ability to interact effortlessly and with flexibility in discussions in complex contexts
Tutoring: in addition to the course the Program includes 20 hours of tutoring.

Advanced 2 (4 weeks, 80 hours)

This level is dedicated to students who want to master different linguistic skills.
Aims of the course:
- excellent reading of non-vocalized texts in different forms of written language including abstract and specialized texts and literary works
- ability to interact effortlessly and with flexibility in discussions in complex contexts with use of idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms; masterising meaning's different levels and registers
- writing clear, flowing texts in appropriate style
Tutoring: in addition to the course the Program includes 20 hours of tutoring.